Tuesday 6 January 2015

Say yes to Noni

When I began making soap 12 years ago never did I dream of using nature's ingredients in my soaps. Not that it wasn't being done but more of the uncertainty that comes with being a newbie. Today I jump at the chance of using ingredients found in nature in my products.

Natures products lends more than just colour to soaps. They contribute properties such as antioxidants, anti - inflammatory, and vitamins,  They can exfoliate, be emollients and even soothing.

Last year I discovered that we had a Noni tree growing in our back yard. What?! It just sprung up in an empty plant pot. Wow!! What luck! I could actually feel the gears in my head turning over. What a wonderful additive for my soaps. The question is how many of my customers actually know what is Noni and for those that do, would the pungent odour be a deterrent?

The Noni fruit has a very pungent aroma. Many of the store bought juices are blended with other fruits and the fragrance is more palatable. My Noni juice is homemade. The juice itself, with its strong aroma and sweet undertones; in my opinion, isn't as poignant as the fruit. Just like any other natural additive the scent of the Noni doesn't come through in the final product. But the properties it lends to your soap are just wonderful.

Why Noni? From what I've read it's said that the anti-oxidant found in Noni juice is said to improve the skins elasticity. It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.  It's believed the anti-histamine properties are beneficial in relieving certain skin conditions. With its anti-oxidants it rejuvenates cells, fights free radicals and assists ridding the body of toxins. As a humectant Noni juice helps tissue retain moisture.

I couldn't wait to try this fruit in my products . I jumped right in and made my first soap with Coconut milk Aloe Vera and Noni juice. As I stated before the scent of the fruit doesn't come out in the end product.

Coconut Milk, Aloe Vera and Noni juice

It produces a wonderful gentle moisturizing bar. My daughter (who is pregnant with her first child) used this soap. Her skin just loved it. Her skin was beautiful, smooth and radiant. I really need to make more.

For the new year I made my second Noni soap with goat's milk (I have a thing for milk soaps). I couldn't think of a better way for me to bring in 2015. I took a sample of the soap to work and had my colleagues smell it. This was a blind test to determine whether the fruit could be detected. They loved it! They were in complete disbelief when they discovered it was made from Noni. That's great news! 

Goat's milk Aloe Vera and Noni juice

So, I can say without a doubt my favourite additive to my soaps is now Noni. In soaps it's both moisturizing, soothing and just like milk soaps, it's good for sensitive skin.

So if you ever do come across a soap that contains Noni, try it.  Your skin may just love you for it.

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