Sunday 22 June 2014

Something from Sensational Soaps

Pumpkin Spice

One of elder sisters' (I've got 4 of them) has always described me as being the creative one. But I would admit for years I just didn't see it. Even though I learnt to play the piano I would never be as good as me older sister. Music seemed to flow from her with ease while I struggled with the simplest of pieces. And if that didn't make me feel like a creative dud she could also paint! I honestly thought art classes was wasted on me.

My creative strengths lay elsewhere. It started in the kitchen. Every holiday celebration I would cook something completely new for the family. Something I never tried before. Mix it up a little. I remember my mom saying I shouldn't really test my skills at these family gatherings, just in case it didn't turn out the way it should. But cooking came so naturally for me. Food became my passion. Yay! I'm a chef!. Then my grandmother taught me how to make wine and in the true nature of my spirit I started making wines form anything I could get my hands on. I tested my boundaries once and taught myself how to crochet. I was actually good at it but didn't have the patience.

Then 12 years ago I came across and ad for a soap and candle making course. It was just a one day course and I was curious and tried it out. I was hooked. Unable to find any more courses to pursue this interest I bought every book and developed this craft on my own. The pots and pans that were once treasured for my many dishes were now seen as soap making equipment. I'm a soap making geek and I love it!

French Clay Tea Tree and Lavender with Yogurt

Today I enjoy making soaps using nature's nutrients. Including fruits such as Mangoes, Guavas and Noni grown right in our back yard. Fresh Aloe Vera gel to add a soothing and healing touch. Local honey for it's natural moisturizing qualities. Fresh Cucumbers and Papaya from local farmers. Each ingredient bringing its own special something to the product.

Mango and Coconut milk soap with Aloe Vera. Created for my daughter's birthday.

Milk soaps are made from Goat's Milk, Coconut Milk , Buttermilk and of course we can't forget the rewarding benefits of yogurt.

Goat's Milk Oatmeal and Honey

Soap making takes time and patience. The time spent sourcing and researching  ingredients is time that is well spent. I may not have had the patience for the piano and crochet but this I enjoy. Almost forgot how much fun chemistry can be.

Besides our local fruits, ingredients such as Clays and Himalayan salt are also used. Clays have a drawing quality while Himalayan salt contains minerals and is known to cleanse and detoxify the skin.

Himalayan Spa Bar

French Green Clay

Coconut milk and Lemongrass sprinkled with Himalayan salt. Pretty N' Pink

My personal favourites are the soaps that are made from coffee and chocolate. Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and is a wonderful addition for some skin pampering for those with acne prone or have sensitive skin. It is both gentle and moisturizing.

Coconut Milk and Chocolate

Coffee is associated with waking up people. It can do the same for your skin. Caffeine has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. It is also said to help reduce the appearance of cellulite and the exfoliating granules help improve circulation.

So yes. I found my creative spot. As Sheldon Cooper would say "That's my spot." I have learnt a lot in the last 12 years and I continue to learn still. I remember being told by a fellow soap maker and my rock star Ms Colleen Malwah-Aqui  that no matter how much we may know about a topic there is always a chance for us to learn even more. 

 This passion has had a natural expansion into the formulation of creams lotions and other skin care products. A wonderful world of lotions and potions. Confucius said. " Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." I would have to say that I agree.

 The products above can all be found at


  1. Beautiful! Always follow your passion! I always enjoy your soaps!! Great quality

    1. Thank you Nakeisha. While I enjoy making these products true satisfaction comes from knowing how much my customers like you enjoy them.
