Tuesday 26 December 2017

I say Hey, What's going on.

The heading is from the first song played this morning from 4 non Blondes song What's up. It seemed appropriate since it's been a while we've posted anything.

Yay!! There is finally an outlet where you can purchase all of our wonderful products. Finally! All of Sensational Soaps products can be purchased at The Business Boutique, Suite 101B, Lower Ground Floor, Cross Crossing Shopping Centre, San Fernando.


Customers can shop in comfort and peruse the wide range of items The Business Boutique has to offer.

Danielle Small owner of The Business Boutique and an avid supporter for local entrepreneurs, carry all our products. Any promotions or giveaways run by Sensational is automatically extended to The Business Boutique.

This year we produced our Moringa soaps.Made with both Moringa oil and powder and gentle enough to be used on the face.

2017 we produced our first liquid soaps made available to our testers with great results . So we are looking forward to launching it hopefully in May 2018.

Also on the table for next year are skin loving moisturizers and masks perfectly paired with its elegant packaging.

We are currently closed for production and would look to rejoin the markets in May/June 2018.

Well that's all folks. At least just for now. We want to take this time to thank our customers for their continued support. And to all our customers near and far. From Sensational soaps we wish you a Merry Christmas and may 2018 bring you Joy, Good Health, Prosperity and Love.

Sunday 14 May 2017

My magnificent 7 for a face mask

Face masks are an ideal way to help care for your skin and its problems. Whether it is home made or store bought, there are certain ingredients I look for in my facial masks.

Now I love to whip up a face mask for myself in the kitchen using fresh ingredients but I know that that isn't everybody's cup of tea. So store bought is your alternative. With the store bought you can choose the dry mix. Personally for me this is another ideal way of customizing your mask. There are several mediums and a wide range of additives that can be used to mix your mask. Then there are the masks that are ready to use. While additives can still be added to these formulations It's best that they are not added to the container itself as it can disrupt the formulation leaving it open to contamination.

Ok. So I have not used a store bought face mask in a very long time but since I'm in the business of formulating my own skin care products I really don't need to. Not to mention I like knowing exactly what is going on my skin. But there are a few ingredients that I would look for in a facial mask that I would like to share with you.

  1. Honey - Loaded with antioxidants helping in the removal of free radicals which damage the cells in our skin. It is a natural antiseptic and is an excellent humectant  meaning it has the capability to retain moisture.
  2. Oats. Oatmeal is great for all skin types especially sensitive skin because of its anti inflammatory properties. It is both a natural exfoliant and moisturizer.
  3. Avocado. Whether it is fresh off the tree, or in the form of an oil, butter or extract, I consider this to be a luxury pampering ingredient. It is a great source of antioxidant Carotenoids such as alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta-cryptoxanin, zeaxanthin and lutein. These compounds help fight free radicals to provide protection for the skin from environmental damage.
  4. Cucumbers contain ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and caffeic acid of which both can help soothe skin irritations and reduce swellings. Which is probably why they work so well on puffy tired eyes. 
  5. Vitamin E is not only a collagen and elastin booster but is also an antioxidant that works to block free radicals form the body that play a role in the ageing process.
  6. Aloe vera is well know for its soothing qualities. It contains several different vitamins and minerals and is gentle enough to be used on all skin types
  7. Clay- Natural clays have a cleansing and purifying properties and have been used on the skin for centuries. Knowing your skin type makes it easier to determine which clay is best suited for your skin. They are used to deep clean. Depending on which which ingredients are used with them, their properties may include - removing toxins, increasing circulation, exfoliating, tone and tighten pores, soften and smooth skin, hydrate and moisturize and absorbing excess oil.
Kaolin clay is fine grained with mild absorption properties. It is very gentle on the skin making it ideal for sensitive skin and those with dry to normal skin.It comes in several colours.

French Green Clay often referred to as Sea Clay  and Betonite clay are best suited for oily skin. It is great in cleansing masks with its powerful drawing properties and has the capability of really tightening pores. 

Rose clay is considered to be a type of kaolin clay and gently exfoliates and polishes the skin. This gentle cleansing action makes ideal for people with sensitive skin.

These are some of my go to ingredients in a face mask. Most of which can be found right in the kitchen or garden making it easy to pamper your skin.
 What are some of the ingredient you look for in a face mask?

Friday 24 March 2017

Is it a soap or a drug?

I have been making soaps for over 12 years now and in that time I have learned so many things. Since opening my business Sensational Soaps I learnt that what claims I make about my products or the ingredients used, determines whether it is classified as a drug or soap.

Here in the lovely islands of Trinidad and Tobago there seems to be no regulations by which to follow when it comes to handmade soaps and body products. However if you plan to export your products you must meet certain standards that for some reason are not applied to the artisans that sell locally.

Many times I have been approached by a potential customer and the first question asked is " Do you have a soap that can remove dark spots" or acne and even scars. Well to answer that question simply  would be "No". Since there are no apparent guidelines to follow, we at Sensational Soaps adhere to the US and EU FDA regulations and do not attach any claims to our products; as it would change its category from a Cosmetic to a Drug. 

How does the FD&C define a cosmetic? As articles to apply to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractivenes or altering the appearance. Products included in this defination are skin moisturizers, purfumes, lipstick, nail polish, eye and facial makeup preparations, cleansing shampoos, hair colour and deoderant. 


In this very link you can see that a drug is determined as an article that is used in diagnosis, treatment, cure, treatment or prevention of disease.

"But the lady/man at the other table said their soap can get rid of stretchmarks." Yes we have heard this. We have noticed that more and more soapmakers have popped up and they have not hesitated in attaching claims to their products. Be it directly or indirectly. Case in point. I recently came across a new soapmaker in the area. Beautiful soaps but I couldn't help but notice the description.

"This soap combines two ingredients that have been used for beauty purposes for centuries-Milk and Turmeric. Goat's milk is believed to delay signs of aging, act as an anti-inflammatory and moisturizer and packed full of nutrients and vitamins to nourish the skin. Turmeric has antseptic and antibacterial properties and help give skin that healthy glow. It is also thought to relieve some skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis."

Even attaching a claim to an ingredient can  imply that your product would yield the same result. The words that have given the qualities of a drug are "delay signs of aging, anti-inflammatory,
antiseptic and antibacterial. And even though it isn't said directly it is implied that because it contains Turmeric it can relieve psoriasis and eczema.

Every person is different. Where one customer may have had amazing results understand that these results would not be typical. If you are seeking to alleviate a skin condition, see your Dermatologist. If you are seeking skincare that is gentle and not loaded with chemicals, see you local experienced artisan.

Here is another fact for you. If a customer posts a review that claims extraordinary results on your page/website, you can be held accountable for that claim. It's your page/website ergo you are responsible for the information that is put out.

What do we offer you at Sensational Soaps? Simple. We offer you a carefully formulated handmade skin care products. A complete listing of ingredients in descending order of the % used. Our products can be described Moisturizing, Exfoliating, Cleansing, Conditioning, Relaxing, Soothing, Creamy, Fragrant, Pampering, Sensuous and Rejuvenating. There are other words that can also be used to describe our products that are permitted by the FD&C.

Why do people choose to make claims on their products?  Well, I can only speak for myself. Quite simply I didn't know any better. Soaping for yourself is one thing, soaping as a business is another. It was only after being connected to other artisans that have been in business longer than I have did I learn and understand. Another reason may simply be because they can.  We don't have an FDA watching over us therefore they can make as many claims as they wish.

So there it is. We are simply in the the business of skin care. We love our products and firmly believe that in adhering to these standards we wouldn't be misleading our customers. Our products are made in small batches to maintain quality and consistency. Most importantly we love what we do and are consistently looking to expand our product lines and searching for ways our service to you can be improved.